최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

중학교 가정교과의 열린교육 활성화를 위한 수업 모듈 및 웹 기반 교육자료 개발

Development of Instructional Modules and Web-based materials for Promoting Active Implementation of Open Home Economics Education In Middle School

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This study is about open and secondary level Home Economics Education which is applicable to field and which includes the characteristics, purpose and problems of each open education. secondary education and home economics education. Based on the ideology of open education, this study will identify the meaning of openness in terms of Home Economics Education reconstructing meaning. purpose, characteristics, curriculum paradigm and curriculum. The instructional model and module which use web, will be Presented as the results of the reconstruction works. The open instructional module in Home Economics Education, which will be operated on the web, is consisted of 1)setting the orientation of curriculum development, 2)instructional model development. 3)rebuilding the Home Economics Education curriculum 4)development of instructional modules and web-based materials and 5)construction of the web-site . Six instructional module begin with critical/emancipatory curriculum Paradigm in open Home Economics Education. use module as a unit of class management instead of 1 class. facilitates nest-type integration which is applied from open education keeping the nature of Home Economics Education. and focus on practical problem and problem solving through reconceptualization with dialectical perspective on individual, family and society. The practical problem solving model has four steps : Identifying practical problems. Understanding the contexts of Problem, Searching for solutions and examining its consequences . Action and evaluation . The web-site has to be developed based on the six instructional module includes those issues : self-identification for reinforcing autonomy and self-esteem. living with famity. living with friends, autonomous living. healthy living, and understanding sexuality.


II.열린 가정과 교육의 개념

III.열린 가정과 교육의 수업 모듈 개발 절차

IV.결론 및 제언
