The purpose of this study was to investigate the effects of instructional multi-media in Home Economics Education perceived by teachers. The data for this research were attained from 139 middle & high school teachers of Home Economics. The data were analyzed by frequency of distribution, mean, stand deviation, t-test and analysis of variance, scheffe test with SpSSWin7.5 program. The results of this study are as follows: The effects of instructional multi-media were composed of four dimensions in this study; need, frequency of use, pros and cons. 1.From these four dimensions, the need has the highest and the frequency of use has the lowest score. 2.The effects of instructional multi-media are significantly related to personal & environmental characteristics. 1)Need of the instructional multi-media effects is significantly different according to age, experience of computer education and Possession of a computer at home Low and high age groups are higher in the need of the instructional multi-media effects score than middle group age. and the more experience of computer education and Possession of a computer at home are higher in that score. 2)Frequency of use is significantly different according to LAN system in school. The higher score of frequency of use is in a LAN system s school. 3)Pros of the instructional multi-media effects is significantly different according to the level of education, experience of computer education and the type of school. Under-graduate high school teachers and the lower of experience of computer education are higher in the pros of the instructional multi-media effects score. 4)Cons of the instructional multi-media effects is significantly different according to the level of education. Graduate teachers are higher in the cons of the instructional multi-media effects score.
II.이론적 배경
IV.결과 및 해석
V.요약 및 제언