최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

중등학교 가정과 교육실습 실태 및 교육실습 만족도에 영향을 미치는 요인

The Survey of Teaching Practice and the Factors of Satisfaction on Teaching Practice in Home Ecnomics Education

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The purpose of this study was to investigate teaching practice and factors on satinfaction of educational practice in home economics education of middle and high school, to provide information for improving educational practice- The subjects were 365 college students who had the educational practice in 1999. A questionnaire was used. The results were as follows: 1.Seventy one point eight percent of the subjects choose their teaching-Practice school by themselves, however 25.2% of them was recommended by college. Twenty five Point six percent of the subjects satisfied the orientation of the college, but 32.8% of them didn t. Thirty four point four Percent of the subjects indicated the form of Practice documents was good, whereas 27.9% of them it needed more improvement. 2.Fifty four Point eight percent of the subjects used their own research room. The orientation of teaching-practice school was good(36.4%) . but 20.0% of the subjects dissatisfied. Eighty nine percent of the subjects managed the class as vice supervisory teachers, 46.8% of them had example instruction. the number of subjects practised at middle school and public school were more than high school and Private school respectively. 3.The score of educational expertise of teachers was 3.66, and the teacher educators was 3.85. The score of educational expertise of the teacher educators who were in college of education(3.87) was higher than in general teacher course(3.77) at P≤0.05. 4.The score of educational practice satisfaction in the all subjects was 3.67. The factors to effect the satisfaction of the educational practice were the kind of research room, the orientation plan of the practice school. and the management of the class. The score of the educational practice satisfaction was correlated with the score of educational expertise of teachers and teacher educators, and the agrresive attitude to the teaching Practice of the teacher educators.


II.이론적 배경

III.연구 방법

IV.연구 결과 및 고찰

IV.결론 및 제언
