This study was intended to develop an efficient web-based instruction materials in clothing unit. The clothing unit was chosen because this unit was supposed to be appropriate to analyze and utilize web. By using languages of html. asp, the study developed web materials to use this unit and constructed this unit into web site. Finally the study tried to examine educational effect by performing the constructed web site and representing some ways which can be applied in the classroom. The result of this study can be summed up as follows: ①The web materials were developed with steps of planning → designing → development → evaluation. In each step, detailed activities, content analysis, examples of developed materials, which presents the concrete procedures and directions were specified . ②The web materials were developed to be able to change and add up the materials in the web site. ③The web materials were developed by teaching-learning model and the lesson plan, and then they are applied. ④Instruction materials were developed according to the lesson Plan and in concrete ways.
II.이론적 배경
III.웹 활용 수업 자료 개발의 실제
VI.웹 활용 수업 자료 실행 방안
V.결론 및 제언