The Purposes of this study were to identify the adolescent s perception to grandparent s clothing behavior, the effects of grandparent s clothing behavior on the attitudes toward their grand Parents, and the variables related to the adolescent s attitudes toward their grandparent affecting grandparent s clothing behavior. The results of this study may Provide the foundations for the continuing family educational material to Promote the grandparent-grandchildren relationship . Questionnaires were distributed to middle and high school students in Chonbuk Province through school teachers from June 9th to 18th, 1999, and 485 Questionnaires were analysed. Frequencies, percentages, factor analysis, Cronbach s α, t-test, F-test, and Duncan s Multiple Range test were used for data analysis. The results were as follows : 1.The adolescent s Perception level of grandparent s clothing behavior was higher when grandparents were younker, healthier, and wealthier, in separate living status, and in case of younger and more female adolescents. In case of separate living status, the adolescent s Perception level was higher when grandparent and adolescent contacted frequently . 2.The adolescent s perception level of grandparent s clothing behavior was favorable when their total attitude toward grandparent was positive, especially in economic, intellectual, personality, and family relation aspects. 3.The effects of the perception of grandparent s clothing behavior on the adolescent attitude toward their grandparent were higher in case of grandmother, female adolescent, and separate living status, less educated, and in worse health status grandparent.
Ⅰ.연구의 필요성
Ⅱ.이론적 배경
Ⅳ.결과 및 해석