최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

중학교 가정 교과 중 식습관 단원에 실천적 문제 해결과정을 적용한 수업 연구

A Study of Teaching based on Practical Problems Solving of the area of Food Habits in Middle School Home Economics

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The Purpose of this study is (1) to develop the teaching plan based on Practical Problems solving on the area of food habits in home economics class and (2) to investigate the participation of teaching. the attitude of teaching method and food life. The subject of this study was two classes consisted of 66 students(male 26, female 40, 33 for each class) who are the first grade of middle school. The comparison group was taught by lecturing, while the experiment group by cooperative learning. The period of this experiment was three weeks: from June 7th to June 23th. 1999. The experiment was conducted through 5 classes. First of all students identify the problem of food habits. and seek and evaluate information. Students evaluate actions and potential consequence and select the best actions and then students take action and reflect on decision and evaluate action. The statistical method for the study was a paired T-test. The results of this study are as follows : 1.After experiment. the participation of teaching(P<.05) and the attitude of teaching method(p<.01) in the experiment grouts showed a statistically significant difference. Therefore, the students in the class based on the practical problems solving took an active part in teaching. 2.The practical problems solving is more effective than the lecturing in doing guide the positive attitude of teaching. 3.Through the experiment, the attitude of food life in the experiment group showed a statistically significant difference(p〈 05) . Therefore, the practical problems solving is more effective than the lecturing in changing Positive attitude of food life.


Ⅱ.이론적 배경

Ⅲ.연구 방법

Ⅳ.실천적 문제 해결과정을 적용한 학습지도안 개발

Ⅴ.실천적 문제 해결과정을 적용한 수업의 효과에 대한 결과 및 해석

Ⅵ.결론 및 제언
