The purpose of this study was to suggest the most effective method of group formation necessary for the cooperative learning of the home economics in the middle school. For this purpose. 12 classes students in the 3rd grade of a middle school in Inchon City have been divided as 3 groups : 4 classes were consisted of the groups by the records, 4 classes by close friends, and 4 classes by lot. The STAD method of the cooperative learning methods has been evenly introduced to all 12 classes for 10 hours in 10 weeks. After those sessions, some questionnaires asking Evaluation of the group activity , Impression of the cooperative learning , and Change of the attitude to study of the home economics were collected from all students. Data, which were analyzed by the method of group formation for male and female students groups, showed following results : 1.The most effective group forming method was the group consisted by lot. This group was more effective than the group by close friends or the group by records. 2.While male students were influenced by the group forming method in the cooperative learning, female students were not. 3.More activity of the groups resulted more effects of the cooperative learning and made more positive attitude to the study of the home economics, and thus, teachers should care for the activity of each group to make the students cooperative and to activate in the class.
Ⅱ.이론적 배경
Ⅴ.결론 및 논의