최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

중학생의 가정과교육 학습요구도 및 가정생활참여에 관한 연구

A Study on Middle School Student s Needs for Home Economics Curriculum Education and the Family Life Participation

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The purposes of this study is to find middle school student s needs Home Economics Curriculum and the family life participation. The samples are 323 middle school students in Kangneung. The results of this are summarized folloes; 1. It is shown that the family life participation of boys was higher than that of girls 2. Variables that affect middle school student s needs for Home Economics curriculum are needs for Home Economics, number of brothers and sisters and the age for mother. 3. Variables that affect middle school student s the family life participation are human develoment and family relationship, the clothing, participation in class of Home Economics, perception of life status and sex. 4. The relative contibutions of independent variables of the family life participation of middle school students are as follows. The degree of explanation of middle school student s family environmental variable is 12.2%. Adding the variable of Home Economics course, the degree of explanation is increased to 21.8%(deviation 9.6%). Adding the variable of needs for Home Economics curriculum, the degree of explanation is increased to 33.1% (deviation 11.3%).
