The purpose of the study is to develop a Performance Assessment Method & Tools for Home Economics at middle school. Through the content analyses of middle school Home Economics curriculum and 8 textbooks of lst, 2nd, and 3rd grade respectively, teching elements for each content area were drawn and each specific learning objectives were idntified accordingly. In addition, assessment element for student s performance in each teaching element were specified for analysis. Analytic framework for the development of Performance Assessment Method and Tools were proposed by each teaching element. Beased on the analytic framework proposed, a model method and tools were developed by 10 different test measures of description written test, statement written test, oral test, pro and con discussion, performance test, experiment, interview, observation, self-test report, and portfolio. The model proposed in the study has been modified and improved through the feasibility studies of experts examination and field research application. The model assessment method and tools for the study has been compleeted finally by proposing 45 performance assessment tools for the content areas of food, clothing, housing, resource management and consumerism, human development and family relationship.