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KCI등재 학술저널

가정과 교육에서의 청소년문제 예방교육을 위한 기초 연구(Ⅱ) - 청소년관련 신문기사분석을 통해 본 청소년 문화 -

A Study on the Preventive Education for Adolescents Problems in Home Economic Education(Ⅱ) - Adolescents Culture Analyzed with Newspaper Articles Concerning Adolescents -

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The purpose of the study is to analyze and understand adolescents ,culture, thereby to provide fundamental information for Preventive Education for Adolescents Problems in Home Economics Education. 745 articles in computer communication service were used for the analysis. The date were analyzed by frequency and percentage using the SPSS/PC+ computer program. The most important results of this study were as follows; 1) Concerning Adolescent s Problems , problems such as violence, homicide and robbery were treated with the greatest frequency. It was also analyzed that the older generations are highly inclined to understand adolescent s culture as a negative one, for example, delinquency or immaturity . 2) Although the area of Adolescents Education was treated most frequently reflecting the high educational concern in our society, the significant part of those articles were on wrongful educational administration. As much as 70.6% of the articles analyzed were on Education and problems . There by it may be concluded that the other areas such as helth, activities, worries, values and harmful environments were treated respectively as only a subctlture or fragmentary culture . The articles containing correlations and interactions among them and certain alternative proposals were very rare. 3) The areas such as Worries and Counselling and Health were occupying only a small portion of the articles. The articles which were treating the practical worries and their resolutions were even rarer. 4) Values of the adolescents tended to be viewed by the older generations very negatively. It was also found that the older generations have the tendency to see the consumption culture of the adolescents as a kind counter culture or subculture .
