The parpose of this study is to perceive the importance of Club Activites in Home Economics Subject, to analyze the actual condition of management in them, and to develop the model for Home Economics Club Activites. The subjects of this investigation are 252 teachers, who teach Home Economics Subject at middle school located in ChungNam, ChungBuk. TaeJon, and KyungKi. The results of this study are as follows: 1. Club Activity is one of the educational programs to enhance the desirable development of individuals. And Club Activity is the curricular activity to meet the individual s interest and need as a whole man. 2. In schools which were located in large cities, or large schools, or girls school, it was investigated that students opinions was well reflected with sub-plan master plan for club activities. But as a whole the facilities and spaces, and financial conditions for club activites were not good. In addition, there was the test for club activities at most every year taken. The Club Activities was managed formally, not desirably. On the other hand there were some school which was trying to manage the good program. 3. The model for Club Activities was developed on the basis of the result of the investigation. On the basis of these results, it can be suggested: 1. There should be the right understanding about the whole man education. 2. It is necessary to have an emphasis on self-directed activities and chances in Home Economics Club Activities. 3. It is suggested that Home Economics subject should be emphasized through the desirable Home Economics Club Activity. 4. In order to develop the model for the desirable Home Economics Club Activity, there should be the post study considering financial support, students need, number of students continued.