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커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

중학교 가정 교과서 선정 기준에 관한 연구

A Study on the Selection Criteria for Home Economics Textbook in the Middle School

  • 12

The purpose of this study was to make a selection criteria for Home Economics textbooks in the middle school. For this purpose, first, the criteria were out by collecting, analyzing and synthesizing the literature. Second, questionnaire survey of the 6 selection criteria was preformed. Questionnaire sent to Home Economics teachers of 401 middle school selected by systematic reandom sampling, 233 questionnaire were received and 220 questionnaire were analyzed for this study. As a statistical tool, SPSSWIN was used to analyze frequency, mean, standard deviation, and factor analysis. The research findings were as follows ; 1. Now for kinds of Home Economics textbooks are mainly used. At that time when textbooks were selected, these selections were made upon deliberation with the teachers in charge and in future this method will be desirable. Most home economics teachers realize that the selection criterial is needed to improve the pbjectivity of textbook selection. 2. As a result of making factor analysis, the selection criteria were revised that 52 items in 7 categories were chosen as textbook criteria plan. They consist of 5 items related to the outward form oftextbook, 5 items related to the learning materials in textbook, 10 items related to the composition of textbook units, 11 items related to the guiding contents oftextbook, 7 items related to the subject of experiment . practice, 9 items related to the composition of picture, photograph and diagram. and 7 items related to the use of instructional learning method.
