가정과 교육에서의 청소년문제 예방교육을 위한 기초 연구Ⅰ - 전화상담 사례에 나타난 청소년 문제분석 -
A Study on the Preventive Education for Adolescents Problems in Home Economic Education (Ⅰ) - An Analysis of Adolescents Problems in Telephone Counselling Cases -
- 한국가정과교육학회
- 한국가정과교육학회지
- 제10권 제1호
- : KCI등재
- 1998.06
- 123 - 136 (14 pages)
The purose of this study is to investigate and analyze adolescents problems, thereby to provide fundamental information for Preventive Education for Adolescents Problems in Home Economic Educaton. For the data, 269 counselling cases about adolescents were collected at C counselling center in Seoul, from January to July, 1997. The data were analyzed by frequency, percentage, and x²test using the SPSS/PC+ computer program. The most imp0rtant results and implications ofthis study were as follows; 1. The Preventive Education for Adolescents Problems needs to be programmed incorporating sex . family relationship , personality , delinquency , friendship, future plan, studying and violence . 2. Adolescents, whether they were students or workers, requested counseling regarding the matters of sex in the general basis, while parents and teachers requested counseling with regard to the adolescents problems of family relationships and delinquency . This implied that there was a perceptual difference in the adolescents problems between adolescents and their parents orteachers. Therefore, communications and conflict resolution need to be in cluded in the program. 3. There were more suggestions for a desirable preventive program: cooperative society need to be emphasized; financial, administrative and policy supports form schools and authorities are needed; program building should be facilitated through the cooperation between the researchers in universities and the secondary shool teachers in the field.