최근 검색어 전체 삭제
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KCI등재 학술저널

가정과 수업의 협동학습이 학생의 교과에 대한 흥미와 태도에 미치는 영향

The Effect of Cooperative Learning method in Home Economics on students Interest and Attitude about Subject matter

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The purpose of this (1) to develop the teaching plan based on Cooperative Learning approach and (2)to investigate the effect of students Interest on Subject mater and Teaaching method and Attitudes to others on the area of Foreign food in Home Economics class. Among those various types of Cooperative Learning s this study adopted Learning Together developed by Johnsons. To investigate these purpose, subject matter were analyzed and reconstructed for Cooperative Learning. The tests were developed to evaluate the interest on the Subject matter and teaching methods, an the attitude to thers of the students. 108 femail high school students were divided into two groups with 54 students-traditional learning condition, Cooperative Learning condition-and had a 5 session. The subject of the class was foreign food including Western, Chinese, and Japanes food. Before and after the class, students were tested. The statistical methods used for the study were t-test. The research findings are as fooows : When the students in the Cooperative Learning classes were compared before and after the test, (1) interest on Subject matter were improved considerably(p〈.001) (2)Interest on Teaching methods were improved considerably p〈.05) (3)Attitude to Others were improved considerably (p〈.001) Therefore when the teaching-learning mldel based on Cooperative Learning was used in Home Economics class, their interest on the subject and teaching methods and attitude to others were improved.
