The puposes of this study were to see the concept of creativity for the aplication to the home economics subject and to analyze the home economics textbooks required by the 6th curriculum in a viewpoint of the development of creativity. To achieve these purposes, the learning unit of making necessaries of 8 different home economics textbooks for middle school were cpmpared in the point of titles of learning unit, learning objectives, contents of learning unit, study problems, and exercises. The results of this study were as follows: 1) For the learning objectives, most of home economics textbooks were focused on the basic knowledge and basic skills education rather than the creative thinking and creative problem solving. 2) For the contents of the textbooks, all of home economics textbooks were fixed by the materials and making steps for education of basic skiils. So, ti was found that the creativity of students scould not developed. 3) For the study problems, most of home economics textbooks had some posibility of developing the creativity of students, relatively. 4) For the exercises, most of home economics textbooks had limited posibility of developing the creativity of students.