최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

가정과 교육실습에 대한 가정과 교사와 교수의 인식

Perceptions of Home Economics Teachers and Teacher Educators Regarding Home Economics Student Teaching Practice

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The purpose of this study were to investigate and to compare perceptions of home economics teachers and teacher educators regarding home economics student teaching pratice, thereby to provide fundamental information for improving home economics student teaching pratice. The specifiec objectives of this study were as follows. 1.To determine and compare the perceptions of home economics teachers and teacher educators regarding the importance and achievement of (1)the objectives of student teaching, (2)the experiences of student teaching, (3)procedures for selecting cooperating teachers, (4)roles and responsibilities of cooperating teachers, and (5)roles and responsibilities of university supervisors. 2.To identify problems and revisions ablut home economics student teaching pratice suggested by home economics teachers and teacher educators. The subjects in this study included 90 home economics teachers in 500 girls middle schools and 13 teacher educators in 21 universities with home economics educaton department in Korea. For this study, the Habedi s instruments were used through testing validity and reliability. The data of this study were analyzed by using mean, standard deviation, t-test, and content analysis. The results of this study were as follows; 1.The areas with the difference of perceptions of the importance between the two groups were objectives of student teaching, experiences of student teaching, procedures for selecting cooperating teachers, and roles and responsibilities of cooperating teachers. 2.Regarding problems about home economics student teaching practice, home economics teachers indicated difficulty in performing adequate student teaching because of reduction in class hours, and lack of student teacher positive attitude in performing student teaching, while teacher educators indicated having reluctancy of cooperating school to admit student teachers, and difference in experiences of student teachers because of disparity among cooperating schools. As solutions aobut the problems of home economics student teaching practice, home economics teachers suggested that student teaching course should be limited to the students qualified for teaching and that class observation and teaching practice in real class should be emphasized, while teacher educators suggested that student teaching should be performed adequately by providing institutions to control student teaching practice teacher should be made efficient by examining the scales of cooperating schools.
