The purpose of this study was to investigate the knowledge on nutrition, meal management and dietary intake of self-boarding highschool students. Total of 354 self-boarding students living in Ku-mi and Kim-chon, 182 males and 172 females, who cooks foods for oneself participated in this study. The data were collected through questionnaires and the results were summarized as follows: 1. Most subjects had adapted the lifestyle of self-boarding from the 1st grade of highschool, and half of them lived alone. About two-thirds of subjects visited their home once a week or more, and most of their boarding rooms were located at near the highschool they attended. 2. Their nutrition knowledge score was rather high with average 13.95 point out of possible 20. Family students got more points than male students. 3. In meal management, foods purchasing and sanitary control were managed quite well but meal planning and cooking were not managed well enough. In general, meal management score of female students were higher than those of male students. 4. About the dietary intake, female students took more various foods than male students as judged by foods intake frequency score. Two-thirds of subjects often skipped meals and only half of them always took boxed lunch. Also they depended too much upon processed and instant foods. 5. Meal management score showed significantly positive correlations with nutrition knowledge score and with foods intake frequency score. But the correlation between nutrition knowledge score and foods intake frequency score was not significant.