The purpose of this study was to investigate the recognition degrees of contents in Home Econimics textbook for middle school students among pre-middle school students and their parents. It is for developing better Home Econonmics textbook. Three objectives of this study were: 1) To find the recognition degrees of the fact that Home Economics subject is supposed to utilize for not only girls, but boys students in middle schools in 1996 among pre-middle shcool students and their parents. 2) To find the degrees of necesiity in each field of Home Economics subject among pre-middle school students and their parents. 3) To find the differences in recognition degrees of understandings, attitudes, and skill of Home Economics subject between pre-middle school students and their parents. Questionnaire survey metod was utilized to 1,205 sizth grade students and their parents in Pusan. The results of this study as follows; 1) It was low that the recognition degrees of the fact that Home Economics subject is supposed to utilize for both girls and boys in middle school among both pre-middle school students and their parents. This result implies that it is important to dissenminate the curriculum change in Home Economics practice to the public. 2) It was high that the recognition degrees of necessity in each field of Home Economics subject among pre-middle school students and their parents. Th recognition defree were different according to sociodemographic factors. That is, ① the recognition degrees of students were lower than their parents; ② the recognition degrees of parents who have high education were higher than those who have low education; ③ the recognition degree of an evirionmental field was highest. 3) There were little differences between pre-middle school students and their parents in the recognition degrees of understandings, attitudes, and skills of Home Economics subject: The recognition degrees of girls fathers showed higher scores than boys fathers those of in understandings and skills of Home Economics subject. The recognition degrees of girls fathers showed higher scores than those of girls in attitudes of Home Economics subject.