최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

中學校 家政敎科書 食生活 및 衣生活 單元에 대한 敎師의 認識 및 活用

Teachers Recognition in Food/Nutrition, Textile/Clothing Units in Home Economics Text Book of Middle School

The purpose of this study is to investigate teachers recognition in Food/Nutrition, Textile/Clothing part in Home Economics Text Book of Middle School and to provide the basic data for the improvement of its curriculum. 147 Home Economics teachers in Teagu city and Kyungsnagbukdo ara responded to the questionnaire. The results are summarized as follows: 1. Most of Home Economics teachers have graduated Dept. of Home Economics Education and have ever taken teacher training. And even those who ever taken teacher training are not satisfied with training curriculum contents should be inproved so as to be helpful for the actual teaching and learing. 2. In terms of the suitalbility of contents of food & nutrition and contents of textiles & clothing to the student s learning development levels, the degree of suitablility is in the order of nutrition & health, nutrition in adolescence, food selection, kinds and functions of nutrients in food & nutrition curriculum, and in the order of suitable clothing, mixture rate of fabrics, purchase of clothing, clothing in adolescence, clothing selection. The contents of making processed foods and usage of sewing machine of the exsting text book have turned out not to be appropriate. 3. Most teachers suggest tht dietary guideline for haelth, misconception about food & nutrition, selection of eady-made suit, suitable clothing for situation & character as well as the contents of the existing text book should be included in the new text book.
