최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

강원도 지역 여자고등학생들의 식생활 행동과 체중 조절 태도에 관한 연구

A Study on the Eating Behavior and the Attitude about Weight s Control of the High School Girls in Kangwondo

The purpose of this study was to investigate eating behavior and the attitude about weight control of the High School Girls. The questionnaires were completed by 519 girls high school students.(lived in city ; 269, in mine region ; 250) The results were as follows; 1. The average stature of them was 159.01±6.76kg. 2. In the present body structure of them, the underweight structure was 26.2%, the normal weight structure was 58.4%, the over weight structure was 15.4%. The present body structure was very different from the recognition of their own body structure. 3. The average point of the eating behavior was 52.07 and that of city953.62 point) was higher than mine region(50.01 point). They had a significant difference(p<0.01) between two regions. 4. The rate of going without breakfast(p<0.05), the frequency of snsck(p<0.01), the eating rate of stimulus foods(p<0.05), the interest healthy food life(p<0.05) in two regions showed the significant difference. 5. The point of eating behavior in two regions showed the positive correlation in the economic level, the contentment degree of the present body structure, the conscious healthy condition. But it showed the vegative correlation in the rate of going without of breakfast. On observing the difference of the two regions, it showed the positive correlation to mether s education career on the negative relation to the experience of the weight control in the city. In the other hand, it showed the negative correlation to the recognition on degree of the present body structure in the mine region. 6. The contentment degree of the present body structure showed the negative correlation to the experience of the weight control. Also, it showed the vegative correlation to the rate of going without breakfast in the city.
