The purpose of this study were to identify the importance of fathers roles on children. A survey was carreid out on 458 (227 boys and 231 girls) 6th-graders at randomly chosen 4 elementary schools in Kwangju. Frequency, percentage, average, standard deviation and pearson s coefficient were checked and one-way ANOVA, Duncan s multiple range test and multiple regression analysis were also carried out on the collected data. The results were as follows: 1. Evaluation of fathers role performance depending on background variables ranged from 46.17 to 58.51 points(equivalent to 61.56~78.01 points in the 100-point scale). Background variables that caused statistically significant difference were children s sex, fathers religion (whether they had one or not), fathers education, monthly family income and decision-makers at home. The degrees of fathers role performance were higher when the answerers were girls, when fathers had religions, when fathers educational level was higher, when the family income was higher, and when all family members participated in the decisioin-making. 2. Evaluation of children s achievement motivation depending on background variables ranged from 77.17 to 84.34 points(equivalent to 68.90~75.35 points in the 100-point scale). Background variables that caused statistically significant differences were children s sex and decision-makers at home. Children s achievement motivation were higher in the case of girls and when all family members participated in the decisioin-making. 3. When it comes to the children s achievement motivation in relatio to fathers role performance. 1) The overall aspect of fathers role performance caused significant differences in children s achievement motivation. 2) The influence of fathers role performance of children s achievement motivation was highest in the investigation-faciliator role ( =.25) and then the economic role ( =.14) and the valuetransmitter role ( =.14). The explanative power of these variables was 22%.