This study aims at seeking how to activate and operate vocational home economics curriculum efficiently. We collected data from school district offices in the nation and questionaries to 37 high school teachers in charge of vocational home ceonomics. 30 teachers in charge of vocational course. 305 students of vocational school, and 135 students on vocational course for the recognition of and request for vocational home economics curriculum. Collected data were analysed by freqency, percentage, and X²,and SPSS/PC?? program are used for the statistical analysis. Followings are the outcomes of this study. 1. The number of classes in which vocational home economics is operated has been on the rise since 1986. As for curriculum of vocational high school, 79 classes for clothing, tourism, and childhood education are being operated in 8 schools. 2. Teachers acknowledge vocational training should keep complete and sustaining education and that it should aim at conduction education which enables students to acquire technical knowledge and to seek a job. Both teachers and students admit vocational home economics should be carried out so that vocational training can be combined with general education. 3. Teachers put more emphasis on its major field than that general field. As for laboratory classes, teachers complained about the financial lack, while students need for field practice for the purpose of opening the way for combing theory with practice and proposing for scientific study of industrial sites. As for the contents, students considered the technical course size appropriate and they thought it is desirable that the ratio of practical class should be increased by more than 60% of that of the current class ratio.