최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

初ㆍ中ㆍ高等學校 衣生活 敎育課程의 體系定立 및 必要性 調査硏究

A Study on the Systematization and Needs in the Clothing Education Curriculum from Elementary School to High School

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The purpose of this study is to systematize the objectives and contents related to clothing education curriculum, and to research the needs for clothing education curriculum required by the Home Economics teachers working form elementary school to high school. These needs have been shown in the research by questionaires, which were distributed to the teachers in the Department of Home Economics School in Taejon and Ch ungch ongnam-do. The main results of obtained this study are as follows: First, as the objectives of clothing education curriculum, which are different from each school and each grade, have not completely been systematizied, they must be carefully reexamined and reorganizied in a coherent system. Second, in the findings on the teacher s needs of clothing education curriculum, the Home Economics teachers in elementary schools have basic knowledges and skills on clothing education. The teachers in middle schools have the knowledge of the selection, care repair of cloths and also acquire skills for clothing education and consumption activities. The teachers in high schools have the knowledge of clothing-related to industry and know the way of searching for their curse. The objectives of clothig curriculum have been systematizied among schools. Third, as the levels for elementary schools of the contents of clothing education curriculum are some what difficult for elementary students to understand, and the contents have been overlapped with those of middle schools curriculum, they are not organized in a coherent system of clothing education curriculum higher than over, and to systematize clothing education in a coherent and a unified way, we must continue to study them and the needs for clothing education.
