The purpose o this study was to investigate middle school students s perception about Home Economics in order to provide the basic materials to improve Home Economics curriculum. For this purpose reviewing literatures and empirical research were conducted. The subjects were 661 of fourteen-year-old(8th graders) enrolled in middle school in Seoul and Gyeongsang-nam-do. Statistical methods adopted for data analysis were frequencies, mean, standard deviation, ONEWAY ANOVA, Chi-square. Major findings were as follows: 1. The middle school student s perception about Home Economics Education differed with sex of subjects. That is, girl students perception was higher than boy students perception. 2. The middle school students perception about Home Economics subject varied across parents education level. 3. There was no significant difference in the middle school students perception about Home Economics Education according to existence of mother s Job. 4. There was a significant difference in the middle school students perception about Home Economics Education according to region. That is, the perception about the contents of eating life role was high in rural and the daily life as a consumer and resources application was high in Seoul. 5. The middle school students perception about Home Economics Education varied across subject distinction. That is, the perception of boy students who chose Industrial Arts·Home Economics subject was high.