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KCI등재 학술저널

길 ·소매원형제도에 관한 CAI프로그램을 활용한 가정과 수업의 효과분석

An Analysis of the Effectiveness on the Application of CAI Programs about Bodice & Sleeve Pattern Drafting in Middle School Home Economics

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The aims of this study are to develop CAI programs for bodice and sleeve pattern drafting for the 3rd grade students in a middle school and to compare the students achievement degree in using traditional teaching method with that in using CAI programs. On the basis of results above the direction and possibility of using computers in education home economics is another aim. For this study, after the programs are developed, which is on the model of middle school text book, one hundred girl students of 2nd grade of middle school in Songpa Gu, Seoul, who have two groups: one is called comparsion group, which is taught by traditional method, the other, experimental group, which is taught by CAI programs. To evalute the learning achivement degree, evaluation test, effectiveness of learning and interest degree test and time test are given. Questionaire investigation about CAI program is given to experimental group. The results of this study are as follows; 1. CAI programs on pattern drafting are developed and can be used in the class. 2. In the tests of achievement degree, of effectiveness, and of interest the experimental group gets higher scores than the comparison group. 3. In the time test about how many students can draft the pattern in a given time, in every step more students in experimental group finished drafting than the comparison group. 4. The students showed interest in CAI programs and played an active part in the using computers. Therefore, using CAI programs in the class of pattern drafting saved the teachers lots of difficulties and enables individual learning improving the effectiveness of learning. I hope the studies of CAI will be established in other fields as well as Home Economics, especially clothing part, and computers will used lively.
