전라북도 고등학교 가정·가사 과목의 서양의복구성 교육실태
A Research on the Actual Condition of Education on the Western Clothing Construction in Home Economics and Housework Curriculum of High School in chonbuk Province
- 한국가정과교육학회
- 한국가정과교육학회지
- 제4권 제1호
- 등재여부 : KCI등재
- 1992.12
- 57 - 75 (19 pages)
The purpose of this study was to survey the actual condition of education on the western clothing construction in Home Economics and Housework curriculum of high school. And the finding of this study will the helpful to the persons in authority who rake part in the course of compilation of the western colthing contruction. The subjects of this study were 101 high school teachers in Chonbuk province. Their responses to the questionaired were analyzed by frequencies and percentiles. The major findings of the study were as follows. 1.Most high school had only as little educational facilities for learning of clothing construction of, if any, they could only show examples in practice. 2.In case of making clothes, students who sew by hand carried out drafting and cutting on their desks in the classroom. When they have practical traning, 56,4% of them cheese only one of one-price dress trousers, and skirt which are presented in the textbook. The related teachers indicated that content composition fo the texbook was not fit for the purpose of the students level, and also pointed out the deficiencies of educational facilities, lack of teacher s research and training, and lack of school hours of evaluation, practical skill was performed in parallel with papertest at 73.3%. 3.Pajamas and one-piece dress presented in the texbook were the most suitable for the practice at 64.7%. They hoped that illustrations in texbook are so large and full that colthes made through the practice can be worn. Also they hoped that their opinions and wearable guidance will be reflected in the textbook. They emphasized the need of western colthing construction unit because of acquistion fo elementary knowledge. The current amount of content composition was enough or excessive. In addition, they understood the curriculum of high school is rather closely connected with that of middle school. Their recognized the goal of learning should be applied to the real home life.