최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

中學校 家政敎科書의 國際比較 硏究

An International Comparative Study on Home Economics Text Books of Middle School

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This Study was conducted to compare the outward aspects, objects, objectives, and the contents of Home Economics text books of middle schools of Korea, Japan, U.S.A. and England. The results were summarized as follows. 1. The outward aspects of text books ; The Korean text books were small in size and teh quality of paper was inferior to those of foreign countries. The Japanese text books were writen by many authors, contained many lab works and data. Text books of U.S.A. were big in size made with good quality paper and contained many colour pictures. Text books England contanined many problems and lab works. 2. Objectives of the Home Economics and Unit objectives The objective of the subjects of Home Economics was written only in Korean text books. The unit objectives were described most concretely and detailedly in Korean text books comparing with other countires. 3. Contents ; Korean text books covered all six areas of foods, clothings, housing, home mangement, foamily and occupation and theoretical explanations prevailed. Japanese text books contained numerous lab works, lacked two areas of home management an occupation, the contents inluded a few practical lab works. In the text books of U.S.A. contained all six areas of Home Economics were covered and spectial emphasis was placed on self discovory and self development, and voacational guidance was also stressed. The text book of Enlgand cotanined only three areas of Home Economics, clothing, foods and housing ; the number of area was limited but the basic theories of covered area was intended to lead to self comprehension through questions and lab works.
