최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

女子中ㆍ高等學生의 服飾行動과 服裝規範에 대한 硏究 - 學校에서의 服裝規定을 中心으로 -

A Study on The Clothing Behavior and Clothing Norms of Middle School and High School Girls - Focusing on Clothing Regulations in the School -

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The purpose of this study was to investigate the following contents ; 1. Relationship between clothing behavior (modesty, conformity, importance) and clothing regulations of school girls. 2. The differences between middle school girls and high school girls in clothing behavior and in attitude toward clothing regulations. 3. The differences between stuendts gerself norms and subjective norms (the students thoughts which would be parents opinions and teachers opinins) in attitude toward clothing regulations. Questionnaires were designed and administered to 300 middle school girls and 302 high school girls in Inchon. The obtained data were statistically analyzed by Pearson s correlation coefficients, t-test, F-test, and Duncan test. The results of the study were summarized as follows; 1. As tho the differences in responses between school levels, the high school girls showed higher interest in conformity. But there is on differances in Modesty and Importance by school levels. 2. As tho the differences in responses between school levels, there were on differences in attitued toward clothing regulations. But according by types of clothing regulations, high school girls showed higher desired in shoes and sack. 3. In correlation coefficients between the variables on clothing behaviors and the attitudes toward clothing regulations of school girls, modesty is the most related toward clothing reguations of school girls and conformaity, importance the next. The higher the school girls are in modesty, the more follow the clothing reguations. And the higer the school girls are in conformity and importance, the lower follow the clothing reguations. 4. The differences between students herself norms and subjective norms (the studenst thoughts which would be parents opinions and teachers opinions), students and parents showed lower scores than teachers. That is tho say, theachers put more restrictions on students clothing than parents do.
