최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

간호사의 직장 내 괴롭힘 경험에 따른 조직문화, 조직몰입의 비교

Comparison of Organizational Culture and Organizational Commitment based on Experience of Workplace Bullying in Clinical Nurses

  • 34

Purpose: We investigated the effects of emotional labor and workplace violence on various physical and mental health outcomes among female workers. Methods: We obtained data from 24,760 female workers who participated in the 4th Korean Working Conditions Survey (2014). Hierarchical logistic regression analysis was used to analyze the relationships. Results: Female emotional workers were more exposed to workplace violence than were female non-emotional workers. Verbal abuse was the most common type of workplace violence. Logistic regression analyses revealed that (1) emotional labor was significantly associated with higher odds of having musculoskeletal or abdominal pain (physical health outcomes), along with overall fatigue (a mental health outcome), and (2) workplace violence experiences were significantly associated with higher odds of musculoskeletal pain, headache/eye strain, abdominal pain, depression/anxiety disorder, overall fatigue, and insomnia/sleep disturbance, after controlling for covariates. Conclusion: This study demonstrated that both emotional labor and workplace violence have negative effects on physical and mental health. However, workplace violence experience has a stronger negative impact on health outcomes than does emotional labor alone. A management system to eradicate workplace violence and programs aimed at managing emotional labor are urgently needed at the organizational level.





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