최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

한국 생산직 근로자들의 심혈관질환 관련 지식, 인식, 신념 및 예방행위 : 내용분석을 통한 심혈관질환 위험 감소 중재 프로그램 개발을 위한 요구사정

CVD-related Knowledge, Perception, Belief and Prevention Behaviors of Korean Blue-collar Workers : Needs Assessment for Developing the Intervention Program through Qualitative Approach

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Purpose: This study intended to grasp real context of Cardiovascular disease (CVD)-related factors of Korean blue-collar workers, especially CVD-related knowledge, perception, beliefs, benefits and barriers of behaviors according to the health belief model. Methods: We interviewed twenty two workers working in two small-sized companies and performed two series of focus group interviews. Data were analyzed by deductive content analysis approach based on Elo & Kyngäs. Results: Excepting participants who have CVD risk factors, most participants had lower level of CVD risk perception. The level of CVD knowledge was low but there was difference by gender. CVD-related beliefs were fatal disease , caused by lifestyle and difficult to prevent by themselves . The risk reduction behaviors were motivated by current or family history of hypertension. But there were barriers to interfere practice of preventive behaviors such as poor quality of food provided by cafeteria in the workplace, frequent overtime, victim mentality as one of vulnerable social group, housework and financial burden, lack of facilities for rest and physical activity in the workplace. Conclusion: To develop intervention for reducing CVD risks in Korean blue-collar workers, we need to focus on improving CVD knowledge and perception and modifying work-related environments such as low quality of food and lack of facilities for rest and physical activity in the workplace.





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