최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

보건·의료 관련직 근로자의 근로환경과 건강상태가 질병결근에 미치는 영향

Influences of Working Conditions and Health Status on Absence due to Sickness in Health and Medical related Workers

  • 15

Purpose: This study was to examine the influences of working conditions and health status on absence due to sickness in health and medical related workers. Methods: Data from the Third Korean Working Condition Survey was used. Study participants included 929 workers who have been working in the medical and healthcare fields. Descriptive analysis, independent t-test, x2 test, Fisher s exact test and logistic regression analyses were performed using SPSS 21.0 statistical program. Results: Absence due to sickness was found in 7.8% of health and medical related workers. Absence due to sickness differed significantly depending on monthly income, company size, work-related musculoskeletal risk factors, job control, physical health problems and subjective health status would be important factors affecting absence. Conclusion: This study provides evidences that predictors of absence due to sickness in workers of medical and healthcare fields are identified. Therefore, we need the active support for health care service promotion and prevention for predictors of absence due to sickness.





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