최근 검색어 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

간호사의 태움 체험에 관한 질적 연구

Qualitative Research on Nurses Experiencing Taeoom

Purpose: The purpose of this empirical research was to describe the contents what had happened to nurses experiencing taeoom. Methods: This study explored the phenomenological ways to understand lived experiences in nurses ‘Taeoom’ and investigated the ‘Taeoom’ through the deductive content analysis. For the this study, the data was collected through individual interviews with 11 nurses who worked over 12months in 1 hospital, lived in 5 areas, working 7 nursing unit of 10 hospitals. The interviews conducted by semi structured questions about participants’ lived experiences in ‘Taeoom’. Results: Inductive contents analysis identified 5 categories and 15 subcategories. Main themes in this study included a failed membership, difficult of practical field adaptation, feared with nursing unit life, self-centered peer relationships and rite of passage. Conclusion: This study results have been illuminated with edged sword which has a dark side and a light side to experienced in ‘Taeoom’. Newly employed nurses have suffering from ‘Taeoom’ as well as retained nurse. Therefore, policy and practice programs for a diminution of suffering and management for nurses ‘Taeoom’ should be developed and implemented.
