최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

중환자실 간호사의 직무 스트레스 관련 변인들 간의 구조모형 분석

Structural Equation Model for Job Stress in Intensive Care Unit Nurses

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Purpose: This study was to construct a structural equational model for explaining and predicting job stress of intensive care unit (ICU) nurses based on the Integrated model of stress of Ivancevich and Matteson (1980). Methods: The subjects of this study were 220 nurses at ICU. The data were collected from August 5 to 30, 2013 through self-reporting questionnaire survey. Results: According to the hypothetical model of this study, perceived nursing practice environment, perceived role conflict, perceived transformational leadership and perceived self-esteem showed statistically significant effects on job stress of ICU nurses directly. Professional self- concept indirectly affect job stress of ICU nurses. In conclusion, job stress of ICU nurses was directly influenced by nursing practice environment, role conflict, transformational leadership and self-esteem. Professional self-concept of the relationships among variables did not have a direct impact on job stress. Conclusion: Based on the results of this study, it is needed to develop stress management measures and programs considering these variables in order to adequately manage job stress of ICU nurses.





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