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커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

고객 응대 업무에 종사하는 콜센터 근로자의 프리젠티즘

A Study on the Presenteeism of Call Center Workers in the Customer Service Business

  • 47

Purpose: The purposes of this study were to investigate the degree of presenteeism, which lowers productivity when call center workers come to work with illness, and analyze the factors influencing it. Methods: A survey was conducted for three months from July to September, 2013 to collect data. Questionnaires were distributed to 1,500 workers at 30 call centers in Seoul and Gyeonggi Province, of which were 1,274 returned and analyzed for the study. Results: The findings show that the call center workers scored 15.4 points out of the maximum 30 on presenteeism based on SPS-6. The study examined factors that affect the presenteeism of call center workers and identified inner emotional labor, depression, subjective health condition, age and turnover intention as those factors. Their presenteeism was low when they engaged in more inner emotional labor, and when they had a good subjective health condition. The presenteeism was high when they had a higher degree of depression, were young, and had a higher turnover intention. Conclusion: The findings call for a need to implement a mental health promotion program to resolve call center workers depression at work, help them manage their emotional labor to lower their turnover intention, improve their subjective health conditions, and run a health management program to consider the uniqueness of the young age group in order to prevent their increasing presenteeism.





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