남성근로자의 음주동기, 음주거절 효능감, 직무 스트레스가 문제음주에 미치는 영향
Factors associated with Problem Drinking in Korean Male Employees for Drinking Motivation, Job Stress, and Drinking Refusal Self-efficacy
- 한국직업건강간호학회
- 한국직업건강간호학회지
- 제24권 제1호
- : KCI등재
- 2015.02
- 48 - 56 (9 pages)
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to examine relationships between drinking motivation, drinking refusal self-efficacy, job stress and problem drinking, and identify contributing factors on employees problem drinking. Methods: A total of 191 employees recruited from two worksites. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, t-test, ANOVA, and Pearson s correlation coefficient, and multiple regression. Results: A 65.5% of employees has shown as hazardous drinking. Employees problem drinking was significantly influenced by coping motives as a sub-factors of drinking motives (β=.25) and social pressure as a sub-factors of drinking refusal self -efficacy(β =-.57), explained 51.2% of the total variance. Conclusion: Considering the results of this study, healthy workplace culture for preventing employees problem drinking should be builded. In addition, alcohol education program and effective employee assistance program need to be developed.
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