최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

요양보호사의 운동행위 변화단계 확인

A Study on the Stages of Change in Caregiver’s Exercise Behavior

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Purpose: This study was conducted to identify the differences by the stages of change in exercise behaviors ofcaregivers based on Transtheoretical Model. Methods: The subjects were consisted of randomly chosen 105 caregiversworking in a nursing home. The collected data were analyzed with descriptive statistics, chi-square test,ANOVA and Duncan test using IBM SPSS Statistics 19. Results: The results showed that in the stages of exercisebehaviors, there were most participants in contemplation stage with 24.7%, followed by 22.8% in preparation,21.9% maintenance, 19.0% action and 11.4% pre-contemplation. As for the process of change by the stages ofchange in exercise behaviors, it showed statistically significant differences in behavioral strategies (F=7.641,p<.001). In decisional balance, pros (F=0.66, p=.620) showed statistical significance, with higher pros in all stagesexcept pre-contemplation. Self-efficacy was also statistically significant (F=6.25, p<.001), especially in the maintenancestage. Conclusion: This study suggested that in order to encourage caregivers to exercise, a strategicintervention to reinforce the process of change, recognition of positive decision-making and promotion of self-efficacyin exercise behaviors should be developed.





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