건강체력 수준과 심혈관질환 관련 위험인자와의 관련성
The Link between Health-related Physical Fitness Level and Cardiovascular Disease-related Risk Factors
- 한국직업건강간호학회
- 한국직업건강간호학회지
- 제23권 제2호
- : KCI등재
- 2014.05
- 97 - 105 (9 pages)
Purpose: The purpose of this study was to identify the link between health-related physical fitness level and cardiovascular disease-related risk factors in adult male workers. Methods: We tested cardiovascular disease- related risk factors (waist circumference, SBP, DPB, fasting glucose, TC, HDL-C, TG, LDL-C) and health-related physical fitness (VO2max, grip, Sit-up, Flexibility, Body fat) and divided health-related physical fitness level of the subjects into 3 groups - A (very good, n=56), B (good, n=59), and C (below-average, n=57) according to the criterion of the Health and Fitness counseling guidelines of KOSHA. The statistical techniques such as standard deviation, one-way ANOVA and multiple regression (p<.05) were used. Results: There were significant differences between group C and group B & A (p<.001) in waist circumference, DBP, Fasting glucose, HDL-C, TG, LDL-C. In TC/HDL-C, TG/HDL-C, LDL-C/HDL-C, Group C was higher than group B and A. Conclusion: On the basis of these results, we identified that improvement of health-related physical fitness level positively effects on the decrease of cardiovascular disease-related risk factors.
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