최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

일 지역 일용직 플랜트 건설근로자의 근골격계 질환 자각증상과 건강증진행위

Study on the Musculoskeletal Subjective Symptoms Disorders and Health Promotion Behavior of Daily Plant Construction Workers in One Area

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Purpose: This research is a correlative study to assess the relationships of musculoskeletal subjective symptoms disorders and health promotion behavior of the daily plant construction workers. Methods: The subjects were comprised of 306 daily plant construction workers by self-reported questionnaires on October 19, 2011. The instruments used for this study were musculoskeletal subjective symptoms disorders (NIOSH) and health promotion lifestyle profile II (HPLP-II). The data were analyzed using SPSS/WIN 14.0. Results: The scores of health promotion behavior of daily plant construction workers were 2.13, and the scores of health promotion behavior were significantly different depending on gender (t=-2.51, p=.013), religion (t=3.10, p=.002), owning house (t=2.59, p= .010), exercise (t=6.01, p<.001), time to rest during work (t=2.21, p=.027), and work satisfaction (F=8.97, p<.001). The musculoskeletal subjective symptoms disorders attack rate was 90.5%. The results of the correlative study to assess relationships showed significant negative correlation between musculoskeletal subjective symptoms disorders and health promotion behavior (r=-1.45, p=.011). Conclusion: The results of the study showed that it was lower level of health promotion behavior level. Therefore, to increase the health promotion behavior of the daily plant construction workers, a great deal of efforts are required at the level of the government, employers and workers.





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