간호사 직무 스트레스에 관한 국내외 연구 비교
Research Trend of Nurses Job Stress: A Comparative Study
- 한국직업건강간호학회
- 한국직업건강간호학회지
- 제22권 제1호
- : KCI등재
- 2013.02
- 13 - 23 (11 pages)
Purpose: This study was done to describe the research trend of nurses job stress in Korea and abroad. Methods: A narrative literature review of nurses’job stress related literature published from 1990 to Sept. 2011 was done. A total of 691 original articles were reviewed by two independent reviewers using analysis guidelines. Finally, 261 articles (Korean 177, international 84) were selected using exclusion criteria developed by the researchers. Results: In Korea, most of the researches were in correlational survey design, using questionnaires and the tool of Kim and Gu (1984) to measure job stress. International researches were more diversified than Korean’s in the research design, measurement tool, and data collection method. Especially, most of international researches focused on job related factor (number of patients, working time, etc.) and physical effects (tension, heart rate, etc.) of job stress. Conclusion: The results of the study may provide with information that can improve researches on nurses’ job stress in Korea.
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