최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

수술실의 소음차단이 산부인과 복강경 수술 환자의 불안과 활력징후에 미치는 영향

Effects of Noise Block on Anxiety and Vital Sign of Patients with Gynecologic Laparoscopic Surgery in Operating Room

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Purpose: This study was to examine the effects of noise block on anxiety and vital sign of gynecologic laparoscopic surgery. Methods: The data were collected from March to May 2011. Participants were sixty patients with gynecologic laparoscopic surgery, divided into 30 of experimental group and 30 of control group at C University hospital located in I city. The day before surgery, demographic data, trait-state anxiety and vital signs were measured at ward. After noise block, the data were measured using VAS anxiety and vital signs before anesthesia and in recovery room. And then state anxiety and vital signs were measured in ward after surgery. The data were analyzed by x2-test, t-test, repeated measured ANOVA and Bonferroni comparison method using SPSS/WIN 19.0. Results: After conducting noise block program, the experimental group showed significant decrease in state anxiety and heart rate compared to those of the control group. But there were not significant differences in VAS anxiety, systolic pressure and diastolic pressure between two groups. Conclusion: This program can be regarded as an effective nursing intervention for the management of anxiety with gynecologic laparoscopic surgery.





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