최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

간호사의 탄력성과 직무 스트레스 및 직무만족도

A Study of Nurses Resilience, Occupational Stress and Satisfaction

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Purpose: The purpose of this study is to examine the clinical nurses resilience, occupational stress, and occupational satisfaction and to identify the correlations among them. Methods: Structured questionnaires were administered with total 75 questions for 433 nurses working at a university hospital in Jin-ju from July 19 to 30, 2010. Data from the completed questionnaires were analyzed with the SPSS/WIN program. Results: The resilience had a significant difference according to the age, marital status, religion, education level, annual income, motive of choosing the nursing science, clinical career, position, and workplace. Resilience had a negative correlation with occupational stress (r=-.405), and had a positive correlation with occupational satisfaction (r=.380). Occupational stress had a negative correlation with occupational satisfaction (r=-.637). Conclusion: The higher their resilience was, the lower their occupational stress and the higher the occupational satisfaction. It is recommended that intervention program be developed that can enhance personal resilience in nurse.





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