최근 검색어 전체 삭제
KCI등재 학술저널

개방교합을 동반한 골격성 III급 부정교합 환자의 재수술 치험례

Retreatment of a Skeletal Class III Patient with Open Bite: A Case Report

DOI : 10.33777/cjkao.2020.10.1.1
  • 72

This case report describes an orthognathic resurgery retreatment of a patient with open bite and temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD). A 19-year-old woman had been referred to the orthodontic department due to the relapse of anterior open bite. She had undergone mandibular orthognathic surgery without any orthodontic treatment 3 years ago for open bite correction. Afterwards, she had been treated for TMJ osteoarthritis with medication, intra-joint injection, and a TMJ stabilizing splint. However, she still complained about the anterior open bite and sole occlusion of the second molar, causing difficulty to chew. To correct the open bite and improve facial esthetics, we performed Le Fort I and bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy followed by orthodontic treatment. After 18 months of the total treatment period, the patient s facial profile and functional occlusion were improved by establishment of harmonious facial vertical heights.




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