상악 좌측 측절치 결손을 동반한 골격성 III급 부정교합 환자의 선수술 치험례
Surgery-First Orthognathic Treatment in Class III Patient with Congenital Missing of Unilateral Maxillary Lateral Incisor
- 대한치과교정학회
- 대한치과교정학회 임상저널
- 10권 1호
- : KCI등재후보
- 2020.03
- 21 - 33 (13 pages)
This case report describes a surgery-first orthognathic treatment of a skeletal Class III patient with congenital missing of a maxillary lateral incisor. A 24-year-old male presented with a chief complaint of mandibular prognathism. Clinical examination showed concave facial profile with moderate crowding. Intraorally, he exhibited both Class III molar relationship, mild crowding in both arches, and 3.0 mm negative overjet. The maxillary dental midline was deviated 3.0 mm to the left, caused by congenital missing of the maxillary left lateral incisor. The cephalometric analysis showed skeletal Class III malocclusion with a hyperdivergent pattern. For skeletal overcorrection of mandibular prognathism and asymmtery, bilateral sagittal split ramus osteotomy was performed with surgery-first approach. To correct the maxillary midline deviation, maxillary right second premolar was extracted. Maxillary left lateral incisor was substituted with the canine by orthodontic space closure. With careful pre-operative orthodontic planning, surgery-first orthognathic treatment was successfully treated with satisfying esthetics.
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