골격성 III급 성장기 아동에서 미니스크루 보강형 구개확장장치를 이용한 상악골 전방견인술
Maxillary Protraction with Miniscrew Assisted Rapid Palatal Expander in Children with Skeletal Class III Malocclusions
- 대한치과교정학회
- 대한치과교정학회 임상저널
- 10권 1호
- : KCI등재후보
- 2020.03
- 34 - 44 (11 pages)
Protraction headgear therapy with a rapid palatal expansion appliance used as an intraoral anchorage is common in children with Class III malocclusion and maxillary deficiency. However, it can show anchorage loss or failure of protraction in older age children. Therefore, some clinicians proposed the use of skeletal anchorage such as miniplates in the infrazygomatic crest area or miniscrews in the palate. These case reports describe maxillary protraction therapy in children with the miniscrews assisted rapid palatal expander (MARPE). At first, MARPE has been developed for the maxillary expansion in adults, but it could also serve as a good skeletal anchorage for protraction therapy in children.
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