근로시간에 따른 근로자들의 직무스트레스
The Relationship between working Time and Job Stress
- 한국직업건강간호학회
- 한국직업건강간호학회지
- 제15권 제2호
- : KCI등재
- 2006.11
- 115 - 125 (11 pages)
Purpose: This study analyzed the amount of stress and the different effects according to the working times(hours) of a week in two groups: more than 40 hours a week and less than 40 hours a week. Method: The study was conducted from November 1st 2005 to December 15th 2005. The purpose of the study has already been explained in the experiment objectives. 20 copies of evaluation forms were sent by mail to 50 different health sections of participating work sites. A total of 1,000 copies were sent out and 870 were sent back. Within the forms, sent back 120 copies had insufficient data, so 750 copies of evaluation forms were analyzed. Result: Working stress for under 40 hours of working time showed a total of 46.10 points and 47.18 for over 40 hours of working time. For over 40 hours, job demand and occupational climate was high and under 40 hours showed a high rate of job control. For under 40 hours of working time, the factors that caused stress were female, irregular diet habit, age of 30’s, nonmanufacturing, and single. For over 40 hours of working time, the factors that causes stress were age of over 40, when the number of employees is 500~999, high rate of fatigue, when the position of the employee is higher then section chief, and when the work amount is high. Conclusion: The stress rate showed significantly higher in over 40 hours of working time. Therefore, adequate working hour distribution and health promotion programs are needed. The factors that cause stress in both under and over 40 hours of working time differed. Therefore, a distinguished program to control work stress for additional working time is needed.
I. 서론
II. 연구 방법
III. 연구 결과
IV. 논의
V. 결론 및 제언