산재근로자 직장복귀를 위한 사업장내 보건관리자 활용방안
The Application of the Health Manager to Return-to-work of Workers Injured by Industrial Accidents
- 한국직업건강간호학회
- 한국직업건강간호학회지
- 제14권 제1호
- : KCI등재
- 2005.05
- 16 - 23 (8 pages)
Purpose: The Purpose of the study was to suggest how the health manager use to be easy return-to-work of injured workers. Method: The data were collected by the health managers working at the 103 companies over medium size in Incheon, Gyoung-gi and Seoul through interview and report by themselves and analyzed by SAS V8 through t-test. Result: 1. The health managers are consisted of 2 kinds, one is health manager such as physician(10%) or nurse(81%) and the other is safety manager. The former works at the manufacturing company(62.9%), the latter at the service one(42.4%). 2. Management and counseling of occupational and non-occupational diseases, and high risk workers, health education, emergency care, worksite rounding, guidance of personal protector use, and health promotion services were highly performed by health managers. Comparing to these, safety managers performed guidance of job safety, safety management. The difference of two kinds of manager was significant statistically not only the aspect of general job but also related job to the workers of return-to-work after accident. Conclusion: This result shows that health manager can function as a care manager to the workers after return-to-work for adaptation to their job and rehabilitation bio-psycho-socially. But health managers don`t have any regulations of encouraging injured workers to get their job again officially.