산업간호현장의 보건업무 전산화시스템 활용현황과 산업간호사의 전산화 직무만족도 연구
A Study of the Health Service Computerization State and the Occupational Nurses s Satisfaction Level on computerization
- 한국직업건강간호학회
- 한국직업건강간호학회지
- 제13권 제1호
- : KCI등재
- 2004.03
- 5 - 18 (14 pages)
This study aims to investigate the use state of the health service computerization system in the occupational nursing field and the occupational nursers satisfaction level, and provide basic data to promote the development of the health service computerization system for the nursing field. For this study, a questionnaire was provided to 118 occupational nurses who belong to Busan and Gyeongnam branches of KAOHN(Korean Association of Occupational Health Nurses) for 2 months (from Dec. 1, 2002 to Jan. 31, 2003). A tool of Choi Yong-Heui(2000) was used to investigate the satisfaction level of using the health service computerization system. The collected materials were analyzed in real number and percentage, average and standard deviation, t-test and ANOVA by using the SPSS WIN 10.0 program.