최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

인공지능 윤리와 도덕과 교육

Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Moral Education

  • 1,292

This paper discusses the necessity of an ethical approach to Artificial Intelligence in moral education and outlines the educational content of AI ethics in moral education. The main contents of this paper are as follows. Firstly, in relation to the necessity of an ethical standpoint on artificial intelligence ethics or machine ethics, robot ethics, it discusses the continuity or similarity, discontinuity or difference, and complementarity between AI as artificial moral agents and human being. Categories of AI ethics are divided into ethics on AI, ethics of human intelligence, AI ethics for human beings or ethics for coexistence of human beings and artificial intelligence. And then moral educational implications are drawn by arranging the research results related to the morality, or ethical design of artificial intelligence as an artificial moral agent. Secondly, the trend of education on artificial intelligence ethics and the issues of moral education are discussed. problems, phenomena, issues, ethical dilemma that are dealt with as educational contents in the education on AI ethics are suggested. And then, what issues, problems, and phenomena can be selected and organized as educational contents, in others words, what learning theme will be included in AI ethics education in Korea s school moral education are discussed from the standpoint of moral curriculum revision.

I. Introduction

II. Ethics of Artificial Intelligence and Human Being

III. Approaches to AI Ethics in Moral education

IV. Conclusions and Implications
