중ㆍ고등학교 보건관련교사와 비보건관련교사의 건강증진생활양식
Health Promotion Lifestyle Profile of the Teachers of Health-related Disciplines and Not-health-related Disciplines in Middle and High Scholl
- 한국직업건강간호학회
- 한국직업건강간호학회지
- 제12권 제2호
- : KCI등재
- 2003.11
- 123 - 133 (11 pages)
A survey was done to figure out the HPLP(health promotion lifestyle profile) of the teachers of health-related disciplines and not-health-related disciplines. 205 teachers in middle and high school were surveyed from 4th February to 2nd April 2003. The results of this study were as follows; 1. The HPLP score of the teachers of healthrelated disciplines (mean 2.73±0.44) was higher than that of the teachers of nothealth-related disciplines (mean 2.48±0.40). Sub category s mean of the teachers of health-related disciplines was self-realization 2.99, interpersonal-relationship 2.92, health responsibility 2.65, nutrition 2.64, stress management 2.52, exercise 2.27 and that of the teachers of not-health-related disciplines was self-realization 2.84, interpersonalrelationship 2.70, health responsibility 2.24, nutrition 2.39, stress management 2.23, exercise 1.98. 2. When HPLP score were examined according to demographic characteristics, health status and self-efficacy, the results showed that of the teachers of health-related disciplines was higher than that of the teachers of not-health-related disciplines. 3. Gender, degree of grief and depression, and self-efficacy have statistically significant effect on the HPLP score of the teachers of health-related disciplines, and subjective health status, concern about health, degree of stress, and self-efficacy were significant on that of the teachers of not-health-related disciplines. This results were indicated the teachers of health-related disciplines show better role model in health than the teachers of nothealth-related disciplines. As self-efficacy is the most important factor on the HPLP score, it is very important to introduce programs to raise self-efficacy of teachers in middle and high school.