최근 검색어 전체 삭제
커버이미지 없음
KCI등재 학술저널

직업과 종사상의 지위를 기준으로 구분한 사회계층에 따른 건강수준의 차이

Differences and Inequalities in Health Status among Social Class Classified by Occupation and Job Status

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Purpose: To investigate difference in health status by social classes in Korea through second analysis the 1999 Social Statistic Survey raw data performed by National Statistic Office. Method: 52,100 subjects were 20-64 years old and students were excluded. Health status was measured self-rated health and disease prevalence past 2 weeks. Social classes were classified 5 categories by occupations and working status and 1 category by unemployment. Result: Unemployed people reported the worst self-rated health on average, the lower social classes, the worse self-rated health and higher disease prevalence. Health inequality still existed between social classes after adjusting sex, age, and education level. Conclusion: A certain strategy for improving unemployed people s health and people who are working in craft, simple manual labor, agriculture, fishery, and forestry.
